Full Corn Moon

Full Corn Moon

By Tara Sutphen

The Full Corn Moon (Native American) at 3* Pisces will culminate, August 26, 2018 4:56am PdT/7:56pm EdT (Farmers Almanac). The current phase of the moon is a Waxing Gibbous (98.8% illuminated), 13.7 days old and at a distance of 404405 Km (251286 Miles).

This moon can make us feel more philosophical and deep thinking. It's all about feelings, the receptivity we recognize and the sensitivity we try to hide or ignore. It is most likely the most holy moon we will ever experience in our lives since it is set on a spiritual aspect. We are to pray, sorce, find quietude and meditate at intervals this month. As we are at a pinnacle, and being held in the palm of creation. We need to look up instead of looking down, as "the moon is our personal spotlight, and you personally are seen in the world. Everything that holds vibration is a part of you". And while getting into the flow of cosmic-consciousness we realize how to maneuver our lives as we are given an overview. 

When we listening to silence or nature, we far surpass earth by its limitations. What you personally desire is reaching for you. When we get so wrapped up thinking we are not getting what we want we can tune in to the fact we only have to change back to our authentic self to be on track. We may not readily remember our predestined birth plans, but we have many contracts and people yet to meet. Our purpose is to be of service and find gratitude. To Love those we came to Love with no conditions. To work and to share, to nourish and to share, to nurture and to share.

Journal Questions:

Paragraph+ for each question.

Are you confused about spirituality


Are you confused about how you view God


Are you curious about what exists before you were born


Are you curious about Death


What is your theory

Explain your theory

Where does your theory come from

What makes your theory the right theory

How do you spiritually solve:

People problems

Money problems

Relationship problems

Health problems

Personal issues

Bad habits


Career problems

Past choices



Do you have healthy












inside maintenance

outside maintenance

person maintenance

place maintenance

thing maintenance

When you feel insecure, do you have:

Compassionate acceptance of yourself

Compassionate acceptance of others

Spending too much time on others and not yourself

Spending too much time on yourself and not on others

Forward movement toward positive activities

Forward movement toward negative activities

What and Who brings you inner peace or contentedness:











Are your surroundings spiritual or higher evolved:










🌕 Where is the balance. As earthlings we are all different, but there is "Human General Guideline". Awake – sun up, Sleep – sun down, drink clean water, eat greens, fruit and protein as you truly are what you eat. Waste not and want not. Kindness will get you everywhere…kindness is not a weakness. Work diligently and smart. Choose or be chosen, develop skills and master abilities. Time is your bounty and blessings. Love and Love More.

—– "When I dare to be powerful – to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid." ~Audre Lorde (Warrior Poet – 1934-1992)   



repost if you want

Sedona Mystic Training with Tara

Mystic Training with Tara #learntobepsychic #psychic #mysteryschool #sedona 

October 27-28,2018 

Sedona, Arizona. 

It will be held at the Gorgeous "Sedona Creative Life Center" taraappointment@Gmail.com 

424-781-7103 #tarasutphen #tarainsight #radiohost #ctrnwtwork #spotify #iheart

Sedona Mystic Training

 with Tara Sutphen

The Mystic Training is learning to sorce.  An occult power class to learn "Sorcery" — how to "sorce" answers and awareness as in the ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools.  You will learn to use the power and energy of the Universe and to be at one with that power.  Tara will help you to unblock your psychic centers and assist you to make contact with your Spirit Guides and Higher-Self, to channel, automatic write, use unique Tarot techniques, and access the path of your true destiny — opening to the deepest and most powerful part of yourself.

We'll also tap into excellence and merit through the exploration of psychic connection with the other side. Insight leads us out of vagueness.  Not everyone seeks to decipher past blunders or catch a glimpse of the future as it might unfold, but those who do want to search for meaning to their dilemmas and gain confidence to live an important and rewarding life. 

Opening the five senses leads to deeper-consciousness.

Learning to manifest the splendor in all things, we want our relationships, love, success, happiness, family, great health, money, knowledge, wisdom to be the best it can be.  Tara will help you unblock your psychic centers and assist you to make contact with your Mystics, Spirit Guides and Higher-Self for guidance. Included: Meditations, Life-Force Activation, Sorcing techniques, class discussions, and clarification.

Join Tara and a small group of fellow travelers who will work together to create a magical and mystical weekend filled with deep learning of personal and universal mysteries.

Tara Sutphen is a modern Master of Metaphysical Studies, having proved over and over again her Psychic-Medium Abilities.

Fees & Location

The fee us $495 per person. There is a non-refundable (but transferable) deposit of $75 to ensure your place in the seminar. Seminar hours at 10-5 PM both days. Final registration is 9 to 10 AM on Saturday morning. The seminar will take place at the Sedona Creative Life Center, 333 Schnebly Hill Road, Sedona, AZ 86336. Phone 928-282-9300.

Website: www.sedonacreativelife.com/ The center is the ideal gathering place, but it is not a hotel. So stay at any Sedona area hotel you like. They range from reasonable to four star-elegant.

I'm planning on taking a side trip on Oct 21, 2018 Flying and meeting in Albuquerque, NM, and being spontaneous with hotels, food, gas etc. we will only be a small group. We will visit Santa Fe, Taos, and the Hopi Reservation prior to the Sedona Mystic Training seminar and New Mexico fee is $600. Registration- deposit $100. taraappointment@gmail.com

