Creating Quality & Character

We’d all like to lie in a field and watch the clouds go by, and there is nothing wrong with relaxing. But our lives call for a certain amount of routine and a conventional tone for creating quality and character. For some reason we can lose our way working or playing too hard and not knowing the cues to step into our most constructive nature. We can want something for ourselves, say something differently than what we wanted and/or ending up doing what we don’t want to do, basically, misrepresenting our own natural instincts. Where have we gotten immovable and un-centered, or set our minds in stone and caught off guard with situations. Aren’t we supposed to know better and become wiser as we grow up. We see many people lose their way more often than not.
We do know one thing, we don’t want to be considered aimless. Recognize your skills to become a specialist and not a generalist, clearly speak with honesty and integrity. Acknowledge love as a gift and not as game of manipulation. Accept our bodies to best serve our security and enrichment. For every stage of our growth can be quite a feat. And the more we make excuses and justifications for ourselves, the more time we elude our highest outcome. If we fathom what we want, or what we are naturally inclined toward and really try to understand what our motivation or lack of it means, maybe we can learn to understand. #tarasutphen @tara_insight  
